Dr Louisa Moats has fought for evidence-based reading instruction for many years particularly in the USA. This is one of her papers that is standing the test of time - and relevant to other English-speaking countries where 'balance' and 'mixed methods' prevail - even in England where systematic synthetic phonics is statutory and yet still many teachers adhere to 'multi-cueing reading strategies' either through lack of professional knowledge and understanding or simply deeply-held beliefs.
Dr Moats is correct that teachers need to be sufficiently knowledgeable about the research findings to be able to evaluate and compare reading instruction and phonics programmes and practices.
Thank you to Learning Difficulties Australia for this link to Dr Moats' paper:
Whole-Language High Jinks
How to Tell When "Scientifically-Based Reading Instruction" Isn't
by Louisa Moats

https://www.ldaustralia.org/client/docu ... 0Jinks.pdf