Agenda Item 2 ES/S5/20/7/1
Annexe B
Initial Teacher Education and the Early Phase of Teaching - themes for consideration
The Committee issued a call for views on recommendations to a previous report that related to teacher recruitment and initial teacher education. This included recommendations that consider how ITE and the early experience of teaching in the classroom complement each other and provide student teachers and newly qualified teachers with a base to develop their skills further.
The submissions received were analysed and discussed by the Committee and, based upon them and responses received to the Committee’s survey of student teachers and recently qualified teachers, the Committee has agreed to focus mainly, but not exclusively, on five themes. These are:
Additional support needs – the content of ITE and the extent to which it prepares a student for the classroom is detailed in numerous submissions. This includes a suggestion that some courses provide a focus on diagnosis but could include more on strategies which could be used in the classroom when supporting certain children. A number of submissions also explore what the balance of experience should be between ITE and the early phase of teaching and beyond in relation to receiving adequate training on ASN. The adequacy of course content on support for those with additional support needs is also a focus of the survey responses. The submission from the SCDE highlights the National Framework for Inclusion that ITE course content should be based around and other responses look at the extent to which this is the case. Survey questions focussed on retention include looking at the basis for some considering leaving the profession and supporting a range of ASN in the classroom features as one of the themes of these responses.
Literacy and numeracy – the submissions from universities highlight the work of MQUITE (Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education) that includes collating data on literacy and numeracy. A number of submissions from universities, student teachers, teachers and councils make comment on the variation of course content and/or ability of students in relation to literacy and numeracy. A number of submissions also comment on the Committee’s 2017 recommendation that the same organisation should accredit course content and assess its delivery. It is currently GTCS and Education Scotland respectively. The Committee intends to explore the accreditation and assessment of the delivery of literacy and numeracy content as part of the inquiry.
Flexibility for personal circumstances - a number of submissions mention the variable experiences of the student placement system, including the impact of placement arrangements on those with childcare responsibilities. The extent to which the system as a whole (including placements) takes into account the specific needs of cohorts of students, for example parents / carers or those with disabilities could be examined. Given the changing profile of student teachers, with more coming into teaching as a second career, the ability of older students to study and move into roles that reflect personal circumstances is a theme the Committee will consider further.
Agenda Item 2 ES/S5/20/7/1
Student placement system – a number of submissions discuss the time pressures on mentors under the student placement system and therefore the ability of mentors to undertake the role fully. Others suggest more training and support for mentors would be beneficial and question whether mentors are always being selected based on a sufficient length of experience, aptitude and interest in the role. The Committee could look at this issue and also the extent to which the opt out system, introduced since the Committee last undertook an inquiry in this area, is operating.
Retention of new teachers – a number of submissions, including from the Learned Societies Group and NASUWT suggest a lack of data on retention of staff to feed into workforce planning processes. The Committee’s 2017 report made recommendations based on evidence that retention issues were not being sufficiently taken into account in workforce planning processes when estimating future ITE places required. The Committee’s survey asked about the basis of any respondents’ views that they would not teach in the longer term. Themes of responses to this question included workload, lack of resource, an inability to meet ASN and culture. The Committee may wish to explore the perceived limitations on data available on retention and whether this impacts on the ability to anticipate retention levels amongst new teachers. The Committee may also wish to explore the extent to which workload issues and other themes raised in the survey responses relating to the early phase of teaching is informing some new teachers’ deliberations on whether to stay in the profession.
Given these themes, and based on the need to ensure the inquiry looks at the early phase of teaching as one entity, with ITE being a key element, the Committee has agreed to give the inquiry the title ‘
Initial Teacher Education and the Early Phase of Teaching’.
Agenda item 2
Education and Skills Committee
PE1668: Improving literacy standards in schools through research-informed reading instruction
18 March 2020
The Committee agreed to take evidence from the petitioner, Anne Glennie, on petition PE1688. The petition was lodged in August 2017 and attracted 282 signatures. The text of the petition is set out below.
Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to i) provide national guidance, support, and professional learning for teachers in research- informed reading instruction, specifically systematic synthetic phonics; ii) ensure teacher training institutions train new teachers in research-informed reading instruction, specifically systematic synthetic phonics.
Anne Glennie will be accompanied by Dr Sarah McGeown. Ms Glennie provided the following biographical information:
Anne Glennie is a literacy consultant and teacher trainer, providing evidence-based training in all aspects of children’s literacy for schools in Scotland. She is the author of ‘Reflective Reading’, an approach used widely in primary schools for reading comprehension and reading for pleasure. She sits on the Reading Reform Foundation committee and is a founding committee member of IFERI – the International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction. She is also a children's publisher, specialising in high quality, Scottish historical fiction for children.
Dr Sarah McGeown, Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh. Dr McGeown’s research primarily focuses on the effectiveness of different types of initial reading instruction and the importance of promoting motivation and engagement in reading. She has published over twenty research articles, books or book chapters on these topics. Dr McGeown is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Research in Reading and her research has been shortlisted twice for the United Kingdom Literacy Association’s Literacy Research in Education Award. In 2019 she co-founded LALco: to promote greater communication and collaboration between research and practice on language and literacy issues in Scotland.
The remainder of this short paper covers three issues: the work of the Public Petitions Committee (PPC) on the petition; a study on knowledge utilisation in the teaching profession; and how this may link to a forthcoming inquiry into ITE and the early phase of teaching. Attached in Annexe A of this paper is the initial SPICe briefing on the petition published in 2017.
The PPC considered the petition on four occasions. More detail on its work can be found on the petition’s webpage.
On 9 November 2017, the petitioner, along with Dr McGeown and Gordon Askew from the
International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction gave evidence to the PPC. The petitioner and Dr McGeown argued that their petition is not looking to prescribe approaches in Primary classrooms, Dr McGeown said:
“This petition is about ensuring that teachers and teacher training institutions have access to and use research-informed reading instruction to ensure that all children in Scotland can achieve their potential in reading. This is not about removing teacher autonomy and it is not about implementing a prescriptive approach to the teaching of reading. This is about empowering teachers by ensuring that all teachers have access to the most up-to-date research on children’s reading instruction and then allowing them to make decisions about how best to apply it based on the specific students that they teach.”
The petitioner’s and Dr McGeown also argued that synthetic phonics ought to be used in schools and suggested that other method were less effective and less effective at closing the poverty related attainment gap.
In a later submission to the PPC Dr McGeown provided definitions for a number of different approaches including synthetic phonics:
Systematic phonics instruction: Teaching letter-sound relationships in an explicit, organised and sequential fashion.
Synthetic phonics: Blending (synthesising) letter-sound correspondences to read unfamiliar words (e.g., /c//a//t/ = cat)
Analytic phonics: Segmenting (analysing) words to split them into their consistent letter-sound correspondences (e.g., cat = /c//a//t/).
Eclectic approach: An approach that teaches children a variety of strategies to read new words (e.g., whole word teaching, use of context, phonics (analytic)).
Following the evidence session in the PPC sought views on the petition from the Scottish Government, the GTCS a number of teaching trade unions and teacher education institutions in Scotland.
The GTCS’ submission stated:
“The issue of the application of Synthetic Phonics is one which has been debated by the education system for over two decades both internationally and at UK level. A significant level of research has been undertaken in order to identify its impact. This research would indicate that for some children there is an improvement in their reading skills while other research would suggest that the complexity of reading acquisition in English makes it unlikely that the universal adoption of one method, synthetic phonics only, leads to overall improvement.”
The GTCS also noted that while it is responsible for accrediting ITE courses, it does not “define or restrict the development of the skills of teaching literacy”. The GTCS strongly
supported research evidence informed teaching practice in its submission. One of the GTCS’ requirements for all ITE programmes is that the programme should prepare teachers to “ engage with research and scholarship and, where appropriate in the future, be actively able to practise research through, for example, professional enquiry.”
The Scottish Government’s view was that synthetic phonics is one of a range of approaches teachers might utilise. He said in his first submission:
“Curriculum for Excellence is a teacher-led approach to learning. Our curricular approach is deliberately non-prescriptive, recognising that children learn in different and unique ways and that it is for empowered practitioners and teachers to decide the teaching methods which are most appropriate for individual children. As such, prescribing any single approach to learning and teaching runs contrary to the principles and framework on which the curriculum is based.”
Aside from the petitioner, Dr McGeown, the GTCS and the Scottish Government, two other individuals wrote to the PPC. Dr Marlynne Grant, an educational psychologist, broadly speaking supported the petitioner’s view, while Dr Terry Wrigley, an academic, who did not.
The PPC explored with the Scottish Government the actions it was taking in respect to the content and quality frameworks for ITE and the work in supporting research-informed teaching practice.
In relation to ITE, the Scottish Government noted that it is supporting the Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education (MQuITE) project; the committee is due to hear from researchers on this project in the coming weeks. The Government also stated:
“Education Scotland is leading with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) to oversee application of the ITE self-evaluation framework. This will be used to gather evidence at ITE institutional level on the actions being taken to develop the pedagogical skills of students in the priority areas of literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing.”
In relation to professional development, the Scottish Government noted that Education Scotland had “focus on professional learning and leadership development” as part of its programme of reform. The Scottish Government also stated that the Strategic Board for Teacher Education had “established a working group to consider how newly registered teachers can be better supported to develop their knowledge and pedagogical skills during the early phase (years 1-5) of their teaching careers; and to identify whether additional measures are needed to help teachers to access high quality professional learning designed to meet their personal development needs.”
In April 2019 the Scottish Government published a report on a study exploring how Scottish educational practitioners engage with research and the factors that support and hinder ability to make best of use of research evidence. The project was conducted by the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change and commissioned by Scottish Government. The researchers identified seven themes arising from the study which are noted below.
Time and workload
The findings highlighted the importance of teachers having sufficient time to access, interpret and apply data and evidence. A lack of time was found to be an inhibitor to engaging with data and research. The study suggested that this may lead to rely on easy- to-access and summary forms of research. It concluded “these findings strongly indicate a need to consider how well teacher time commitments and workload matches expectations regarding teachers’ use of evidence and engagement with research.”
Relationships between practitioners, researchers and policymakers
The study highlighted the “importance of researchers working closely with practitioners and other partners to better convey research findings to influence practice and educational thinking but also to enhance research skills.”
The influence of key actors
The study noted that in terms of knowledge transfer and mobilisation, key actors included “Attainment Advisors, Educational Psychologists and other allied professionals, academic researchers and other leads at school and local authority level”. School leaders also play role. The study stated, “moral and practical support from school leadership, the local authority and Attainment Advisors is crucial in building a culture of research engagement and capacity at local level.”
Resourcing research engagement across local systems
The study noted that in some local authorities there were examples of local authority professional learning programmes aimed at building practitioners’ data and research capacity and skills. However, in some cases the study found that financial constraints had reduced these programmes. The study argued that there is clear value in investing in such programmes.
The value of collaboration to foster engagement with research and data
The study found a limited number of examples of collaborative practitioner research within or across schools. Normally these examples were supported by external partners through the Attainment Scotland Fund. The study argued that this approach “could enhance the capacity of staff to systematically engage with data and research, develop their pedagogical expertise as well as their leadership skills.”
Accessibility of research findings
The study noted that research findings could be better communicated to the teaching profession. The study drew upon others’ research and stated that this should happen along with the development and support for a culture of research engagement, where there is time to access, understand and apply this knowledge.
Existing educational infrastructure
The study suggested that “the Scottish Attainment Challenge and the associated Attainment Scotland Fund are working as drivers to focus teachers’ attention on the value of evidence-based practice. Professional culture across Scottish education and national educational policy appear to be contributing to fostering teachers’ positive disposition to research engagement and using data to inform their practice.” the study also noted that he
development of Regional Improvement Collaboratives could have “implications for knowledge mobilisation and teacher engagement with data and research.”
The Strategic Board for Teacher Education considered the research in September 2019. It noted that a working group was being set up to build on the findings of the study. The minutes from the September meeting stated:
“It was felt that teachers were willing to engage with research but whether this happened was very much down to the ethos of the school. Access to research, especially that which is relevant to the Scottish system was an issue, as was connecting teachers with academic experts and sharing results from robust and quality projects.”
The Committee will shortly commence taking oral evidence on its inquiry into Initial Teacher Education and the early phase of teaching. One of the focuses of that inquiry will be on literacy and numeracy.
The petitioner’s submission to the Committee’s inquiry stated:
“Scottish teachers’ knowledge is so weak in this area, they are unable to evaluate the content or suitability of programmes or interventions, much less provide appropriate, timely and tailored teaching and support ...
“Scottish education has systemic deficiencies in how children are taught to read; solutions must be system-wide – not merely an optional extra for individual schools. By providing teachers with access to the research and scientifically proven methods for teaching reading, there is the potential to close gaps, teach dyslexic children to read and spell, improve our literacy rates and outcomes, and increase access to the curriculum for all.”
In its submission, the University of Glasgow stated that it is “committed to frequently updating and revising its materials and delivery on literacy and numeracy in line with research and policy”. Two local authorities, East Lothian and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, raised concerns about ITE’s preparation to teach literacy. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar said:
“More focus is needed in programmes on core teaching pedagogy in literacy and numeracy, including the fundamental ‘How do I teach .....?’ question”
The NASUWT’s submission said:
“It should be remembered, however, that professional learning does not end with the completion of the university course, nor indeed the probationary year. Teachers in Scotland, in line with the GTCS Standards, should be engaged in ongoing career- long professional learning (CLPL) throughout their career. It is to be expected that the appropriate knowledge and understanding required to teach the core skills of literacy and numeracy to children in their formative years will be developed and honed throughout a teacher’s career, supported by, inter alia, good Professional Review and Development (PRD) and coaching and mentoring schemes.”
Ned Sharratt SPICe Research
11 March 2020
Note: Committee briefing papers are provided by SPICe for the use of Scottish Parliament committees and clerking staff. They provide focused information or respond to specific questions or areas of interest to committees and are not intended to offer comprehensive coverage of a subject area.
The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP