Doug Lemov's 'Field Notes'

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Doug Lemov's 'Field Notes'

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Doug Lemov's 'Field Notes' blog and Doug's books are well-worth reading, and the video clips well-worth watching - especially if you are teaching language and literature to older pupils:

See for example:

Tim Shanahan is one of the country’s foremost experts on literacy. He’s a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he founded and directed its Center for Literacy. Though he understands the research on reading as well as anyone in the field, he’s also done plenty of real-world work, having peen principal investigator for National Title I Studies and Director of Reading for the Chicago Public Schools. He has also served–by presidential appointment–on the Advisory Board of the National Institute for Literacy.

He recently agreed to let us ask him a series of burning questions about reading and literacy here on the Field Notes blog.The interview will give most readers lots (and lots of research) to think about and we’re confident you won’t be disappointed. Our questions and his answers appear below. If you want more, he blogs at

FN: It’s often taken as an article of faith that giving kids leveled text that emphasizes readability is ‘research based.’ But you followed the breadcrumbs on the research and found that this wasn’t so true, right?
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