researchED: Tom Bennett works wonders promoting the need for 'evidence' to inform teachers' practices

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researchED: Tom Bennett works wonders promoting the need for 'evidence' to inform teachers' practices

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Teacher Tom Bennett has worked wonders in promoting an interest in research findings amongst the teaching profession, researchers/academics, policy shapers - and Old Uncle Tom Cobley.

His ideas took off dramatically at breakneck speed in England at first, but then rapidly spread to an interest in other countries.

Here, Tom writes about the researchED conference in Washington. Describing lyrically the combination of both speakers and attendees - he captures the spirit of researchED as much as such spirit can be captured in words: ... -have-look
'researchED Washington: If teachers want children to succeed, they have to look at the evidence of what works'

Tom Bennett
'In teaching, no intervention has magical, universal efficacy. But if getting better at what we do is something that presses your buttons, then it is demonstrably true that we need to attempt some form of systematic approach to what we do in classrooms, corridors and assembly halls.'
Literacy provision is only one topic that is sometimes featured specifically via the researchED conferences - but so much else is based on teaching efficacy in a wider sense so also relevant to the topic of 'teaching' more generally.

I've established this thread to encourage people to investigate the researchED conferences - please note that many of the talks are filmed and/or the PowerPoint presentations provided - so it is well worth knowing about this important development in the field of teaching. After all, a researchED conference may be coming to your part of the world before much longer!
Last edited by Debbie_Hepplewhite on Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: researchED: Tom Bennett works wonders promoting the need for 'evidence' to inform teachers' practices

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Find out more about the work of researchED here:

Welcome to researchED, the online home for anyone interested in educational research, what it means, and how it can - or can't - make a difference in the classroom.

researchED is a grass-roots, teacher-led organisation aimed at improving research literacy in the educational communities, dismantling myths in education, getting the best research where it is needed most, and providing a platform for educators, academics, and all other parties to meet and discuss what does and doesn't work in the great project of raising our children.
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