USA 'Eduvaites' blog by Karen Vaites

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USA 'Eduvaites' blog by Karen Vaites

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

This blog is one to watch: ... s-edition/
About Me

Hi, I’m Karen Vaites (rhymes with dates*).

I’m a passionate K–12 education entrepreneur and an unapologetic evangelist for the truly excellent practices and products that have shown an ability to improve student outcomes.

I’ve built 6 startups, grown three pioneering nonprofits, visited 36 countries, raised one amazing first grader, and kept up with zero Kardashians.

I dork out about education research and how we can bring it into practice, and my mind thinks in memes. If loving memes about curriculum is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

Most of what I know about education, I know from my amazing Mom, a stellar principal-turned-curriculum-director, and the rest I know from teachers, coaches, CAOs, superintendents, and math and literacy experts kind enough to school me.

See this for example: ... s-edition/
School Yourself: Phonics Edition

Published by karenvaites on July 11, 2019

Here comes a handy blog written for educators seeking to learn more about phonics. Just in time for summer professional learning season!

First… why all the hoopla about phonics?

In the last year, we’ve seen a growing national conversation about an unfortunate reality: many teacher preparation programs didn’t arm teachers with enough information on how kids learn to read.

EdWeek featured the issue in Teachers Criticize Their Colleges of Ed. for Not Preparing Them to Teach Reading, after Emily Hanford’s Hard Words documentary opened eyes to shortcomings.

In a Chalkbeat survey, most teachers agreed that their preservice training didn’t adequately cover reading – and that “American schools pay little attention to the science behind reading instruction.”

Teachers have spoken up about frustration at having to teach themselves the ‘science of reading’ while raising their own struggling readers.

This helped to foster a considerable buzz, from media to school districts to parent communities. I captured it in an executive summary of this ‘literacy tsunami’.

The result: today, many educators are on a professional learning journey around the science of reading.

I’m down for that, y’all! And happy to help where I can.
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