Sensible suggestions for babies to five year olds to develop their language skills

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Sensible suggestions for babies to five year olds to develop their language skills

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Learning to read starts earlier than you might think: five tips from an expert

By Dr Karen Boardman ... ert-171561
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Sensible suggestions for babies to five year olds to develop their language skills

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

And if parents and carers wish to learn more about teaching and learning the links between letters and sounds (phonics) for the three to five year olds, these free pre-school resources may be of interest:

'Teeny Reading Seeds' resources are 'non-systematic' use in any 'order'.

'Phonics and Talk Time' are two consecutive books that are 'systematic'- use page after page as provided in the books.
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