Dr Kerry Hempenstall's complete list of blogs

Downloads and links to relevant research and articles, along with book recommendations.
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Dr Kerry Hempenstall's complete list of blogs

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

This reading list of Dr Kerry Hempenstall is a goldmine. I can think of no other person who has contributed information in such a helpful format when it comes to summarising research findings:

https://www.nifdi.org/resources/hempens ... blogs.html

Kerry's Blog

The following articles are intended to provide a summary of research on various elements involved in successful literacy instruction.

Dr Kerry Hempenstall, Senior Industry Fellow, School of Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Each of the articles can be downloaded as a PDF file at https://tinyurl.com/y6vat4ut

A history of disputes about reading instruction

Brain training programs, such as working memory training. Do they aid reading development?

Can people with an intellectual disability learn to read?

Corrective Reading Decoding: An evaluation

Direct Instruction: Explicit, systematic, detailed, and complex

Evidence-based practice in the classroom.

Evidence-based practice: What is it? (updated Aug 2017)

Failure to learn: Causes and consequences

Feel like a spell? Effective spelling instruction (Updated 2018)

How might protocols and program fidelity of implementation improve instruction?

Hundreds of quotes from the literacy research (Updated July 2018)

Illusory Phonics

Is there an educational role for phonological processes other than phonemic awareness?

KEEPING AN EYE ON READING: Is difficulty with reading a visual problem?

Learning Styles: Is it learner modality? Or Content modality that's important (updated 2018)

Literacy and Behaviour (updated 2018)

Literacy and mental health (updated 2018)

Literacy assessment based upon the National Reading Panel’s Big Five components

Miscue mischief

Older students’ literacy problems (updated 2017)

Pages and pages on stages (reading stages, that is).

Part 1: Whole Language! What was that all about?

Part 2: What whole language writers have had to say about literacy.

Phonemic Awareness: Yea, nay?

Phonics instruction: Grapheme to phoneme or phoneme to grapheme?

Read About It: Scientific Evidence for Effective Teaching of Reading

Reading fluency: Its significance and promotion

Reviews supporting Direct Instruction program effectiveness Updated 2018

Seriously good online educational resources (Updated May 2018)

Teaching reading in secondary schools: Some theoretical and practical issues.

The three-cueing system in reading: Will it ever go away?

Three students with differing characteristics commence school. How do they fare?

Using the 100 Lessons program to effect change in phonological processing.

Vocabulary/Oral Language/Comprehension: Some research findings (updated July 2018)

What are these Matthew Effects?

What does systematic instruction mean?

Why does Direct Instruction evoke such rancour?
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