Websites of Dyslexia Organisations

A useful place to find helpful blogs and websites with a wealth of information about reading.
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Websites of Dyslexia Organisations

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Some of the most passionate and proactive pioneers for research-informed reading instruction - for first time teaching and intervention provision - are people organising themselves through dyslexia groups. As parents and carers of children with dyslexia (children who have struggled to learn to read compared to their siblings or schools friends), they know first hand the misery, low self-esteem and ill-health that can be suffered when reading competently is elusive. It is not unusual for these parents and carers to know and understand more about evidence-informed teaching methods than the children's teachers themselves.

I was alerted to this site below via Twitter and it occurred to me that we could do with a thread featuring sites of Dyslexia organisations reaching out to families of children who struggle to read. Please let me know of any sites you would like to be added here.
Dyslexia Victoria Support
About DVS

DVS is a free resource hub that supports evidence-based education for dyslexia. We promote evidence-based programs that have been independently, scientifically peer-reviewed and published in reputable scientific journals.

DVS is a place to seek advice and support. You can get involved, come to information meetings or just be a Facebook member. We don’t require a formal diagnosis for you to be a member or attend support group meetings.

Dyslexia Victoria Support operates first and foremost as a Facebook Group. Every day, new members join our group, share their experiences and support each other.

Our Facebook Group is run by a volunteer team of parents, who have a passion for sharing information, raising awareness, offering support to dyslexic parents, children and adults and raising awareness about evidence-based education.
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Re: Websites of Dyslexia Organisations

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

It's really great to learn about the launch of this site of Code Read Dyslexia - although it is Australia-based, it still has invaluable information that is relevant internationally so do visit this site and recommend it to others. The site is very clearly laid out and easy to navigate - well done to all concerned:
We are super proud to announce that our webpage is now live.

We will be constantly updating and improving. eg many more short videos.

Please share to the many families, educators, health professionals etc that will benefit

Kind regards

Dr Sandra Marshall BMBS FRACGP Dip Child Health AMA(M)
Code Read Dyslexia Network Australia Ltd
m. 0416 051598
PO Box 493, CURTIN ACT 2605
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