Fabulous and helpful videos

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Fabulous and helpful videos

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

I'm starting a new thread with this fantastic, really short video by Anita Archer. This was flagged up by Geoff Vaughan via Twitter and he was right to do so. Anita Archer delivers a really clear message about 'explicit instruction' in such a wonderful way (in only 5mins 46secs) and with such a clear explanation.

Some people may wonder why this video to promote and describe explicit instruction is even necessary. 'Isn't it obvious?' you may ask. Well, it is necessary because explicit instruction has been abandoned historically and still is in some settings - when 'discovery learning' became the fashion. So believe it or not, the need and advisability of explicit teaching has had to be fought for!

Do watch this wonderful lady - even if you don't need persuading. Anita also includes guidance for 'how' to deliver explicit instruction for best effect:

Geoff Vaughan
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Re: Fabulous and helpful videos

Post by Geoff Vaughan »

Thank you for starting this forum thread Debbie.
I just knew that this great video by Anita Archer needed to be shared when I viewed it. She explains the importance of instruction so clearly and with such understanding of teaching and learning. I am sure all teachers will really benefit from this video.
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